Charlotte County Republican Club
The Deadline for next month's Dinner Meeting is approaching fast. We have a great program planned and don't want you to miss out!
The deadline has passed to make a reservation for this month's Dinner Meeting. Pleae call Sheila @ 419-233-1325, or email the Club at ccflrc@gmail.com, to be put on a Waiting List in case there are any cancellations. Thank you.
You are welcome to attend our events and hand out materials.
We will send out ONE email to our Members containing your Campaign Brochure/Flyer plus ONE announcement for each event you hold. Email your information in a PDF or JPG to ccflrc@gmail.com. Your events will also be listed on our calendar.
Candidates will be given ONE minute at each event to introduce themselves and say a few words. They are welcome to mingle PRIOR to our events starting and stay AFTER for a Meet & Greet with attendees. We usually hold Candidate Forums for all Republican Candidates prior to the Primary Elections and for registered Republicans running in a Non-Partisan Election. You will be notified of the details.
On his first day in Office, President Biden issued dozens of Executive Orders, many of them undoing programs and policies of the Trump Administration.
Biden's E.O. Advancing Racial Equity, reestablished Critical Race Theory and cancelled the 1776 History Project, replacing it with the 1619 Project as the basis for civic classes.
It claims our Founders fought the Revolution for their own personal financial gain. Paul Harvey tells us otherwise. Decide for yourself what is the true history.
They join the Charlotte County Republican Club!
We are known for great speakers, good food, fantastic fellowship and affordable experiences for all! There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
Richard Nixon
Our Monthly Dinner Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Isles Yacht club in Punta Gorda. (The months of November and December, may require us to to change the date because of holidays.
Our next Dinner Meeting is on Wednesday, December 18th
Our Choices are:
Chicken Marsala or Oven Roasted Sirloin both with Roasted Potatoes and vegetables, Salad and Cheesecake for desert.
Doors open at 4:45 pm.
Following a 1 hour social/cocktail hour, the dinner/meeting will start at 5:45 pm.
Pay for your meal(s) at the door. We take cash, check or credit card, but bring CASH if you want to order a drink from the bar, as the IYC only takes cash.
The IYC has the following dress code for the Main Dining Room:
Men - Casual Attire (collared shirts and slacks). No hats.
Women - good taste should prevail based on the appropriate dress for gentlemen.
Our Guest Speaker for the Dinner will be:
Mason Weaver
Reservations MUST be made to attend our monthly dinners. All reservations must be made by
6:00 PM on the THURDAY before the meeting. After the Deadline, we can no longer take reservations.
Due to room capacity and the fact that we have to place our meal orders one week in advance of our Dinner, we strongly discourage "Walk-ins" for the Monthly Dinner.
We cannot guarantee that a "Walk-in" will be seated or served.
Any "Walk-in" will probably have to wait until all people with reservations are checked-in first to make sure there are enough open seats and meals for you.
NOTE: The venue charges the Club an extra $5 for each "Walk-in" which will be passed on to the attendee, in addition to the cost of the dinner.
Anyone who misses the Reservation Deadline can ask to be put on a standby waiting list in the event any cancellations are received after the Deadline.To be put on the Waiting List, email us at ccflrc@gmail.com.
A Reservation Made
is a Reservation Paid
Cancellations MUST be received by 6:00 PM on the THURSDAY before the meeting.
Per our agreement with the Isles Yacht Club, we have to order and pay for all meals once we place the order on the day of the deadline. Therefore, we have to bill any late cancellations or No Shows for meals we are charged, unless a replacement can be found from the Standby/Waiting List.
We thank you for your understanding.
Our monthly mixers are held on the 2nd Monday of each month.
Beef O'Brady's
1105 Taylor Rd.
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Come and mingle in an informal social setting.
We provide the room rental, soft drinks, Hors d 'Oeuvres, fellowship, cash bar, guest speakers and an opportunity to participate in the discussion of a special topic.
Doors Open at 4:45 pm
Mixer ends 7:15 pm
There is LIMITED CAPACITY. We encourage you to get there when doors open at 4:45 pm. Once we reach the room capacity, we will not be able to allow any more attendees.
Our Mixers are open to the public. Bring a friend!
No reservation required, pay at the door (Cash, Check or Credit Card).
You can support Conservative & Constitutional Principles in many ways.
Be an active member of our Club.
Attend rallies and flag waving events.
Get a Pocket Constitution. Read about our Founding and the Principles of Freedom & Liberty.
Volunteer at the Republican Headquarters in Port Charlotte.
Obtain campaign bumper stickers and yard signs.
Make a donation to the Charlotte County Republican Executive Committee.
Call the number at the top of this page for further information and details.
The Committee, headed by Joe Gruters, Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, released their investigative report regarding election integrity.
Their work was broken down into three areas:
Download the report here.
As the U.S. debt approaches $30 Trillion, Senator Rand Paul reports on how $53 Billion was wasted. Download this report and see for yourself.
Eighty-eight conservative leaders from the Conservative Action Project signed a memo supporting Scott’s plan titled Conservatives Applaud Sen. Rick Scott’s Plan to Rescue America.
The memo said:
Politicians should tell voters what they are for, what they plan to do, and then they have to do it. This is the clarity – and the accountability – that voters want to see from their elected leaders. Conservatives should be talking about our ideas as much, if not more, than we talk about Democratic missteps and overreach. While not everyone will agree with every parameter of Sen. Scott’s agenda, he should be applauded for his willingness to step up to the plate and to lead. More elected leaders should be following his example.
Download and read his Plan here.
We are an active political club, chartered by the Florida State Republican Party, dedicated to advancing Republican principles in Charlotte County. The CCRC is the place to meet other Republicans and engage with the political leaders, politicians, party leaders, business and community leaders of Charlotte County.
The OBJECTIVES of the Charlotte County Republican Club shall be to further the aims and goals of the Republican Party:
Republican clubs are one of the primary ways in which voters in Charlotte County stay informed, stay active, and socialize together. If you’re looking to get involved and would like to meet some new friends, visit a club meeting or any of our other events! Our club is always open to newcomers.
The Charlotte County Republican Club been part of this community for many years, working tirelessly to make it a better place.
The Club knows the value of being connected and informed. That's why we work hard and support issues that are important to you and your family. Help us help you.
President Ronald Reagan said, Freedom is only one generation away from extinction. We can't maintain our freedoms and liberty without your help. Citizen involvement is critical. Getting involved, becoming informed on issues that are important to you, and supporting our Club are all ways of helping us achieve our goals together.
Please contact President Jerry O'Halloran for website management and calendar updates.
We've made it so easy to make a reservation for our next Dinner meeting.